Friday, 7 August 2015

Aston Rowant ~ 7 August

A morning trip to Aston Rowant in search of butterflies, parking here and exploring the downs to the north of the M40.

Silver-spotted Skippers were in high numbers with over 40. Chalkhill Blues and Brown Argus were abundant, particularly towards the bottom of the slope as they nectared in high densities on Wild Marjoram.

Brimstones, Small Tortoisehells, Peacock and all 3 of the common orange skippers were in high numbers.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Stockbridge Down ~ 4 August

A very quick mid-morning trip where Chalkhill Blues were out in astonishing numbers with 500+ across the down. A couple of Essex Skipper were at the bottom of the down among the more numerous Large and Small.

A couple of late and rather tatty Dark Green Fritillaries were still flying

Chalkhill Blue ~ Polyommatus coridon

Chalkhill Blue ~ Polyommatus coridon
Essex Skipper ~ Thymelicus lineola