Sunday, 3 February 2013

Bearded Tits - Hyde Park

Yesterday I went over to Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens to photograph the Bearded Tits/Reedlings that have been in Hyde Park for nearly a month now. After a somewhat uneventful journey I arrived at the reedbed opposite the Diana Memorial Fountain, and there they were; incredibly close and seemingly unaware of their admirers, they fed happily in the reeds just 3-4 metres away. Perfect photo opportunity? Well no, not exactly.

The wind was appalling, the birds were blowing all over the place. They seemed perfectly content, but my camera's autofocus was definitely not. Then there was the light. If the sun was shining, the birds were skulking at the base of the reeds, and when the light was crap again, out they came!

Nevertheless they are real stars. If Hyde Park is easily accessible for you and you're not familiar with Bearded Tits, head over there, you won't be disappointed!

So time for some images:

Please let me know which is your favourite, and once again, thanks for reading! I will try and post some more photos before I head off to Norfolk!


  1. Ohh WOW.. its hard to choose my favourite... they are BEAUTIFUL.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes that is one of my favourites too, they were real stars weren't they!
